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Langtech Limited,the agent of Ransburg
in China and Hong Kong,is the mother company of Langtech (Guangzhou)
Machinery Co.,Ltd.
Langtech (Guangzhou) Machinery Co., Ltd. is
located in Guangzhou Science City,
a renowned State level industrial park in the city of Guangzhou, the capital
city of Guangdong. Langtech (Guangzhou) is the production base for the design
and integration of Ransburg Electrostatic Painting Systems in China. Our state
of the art demonstration laboratory is equipped with painting robots, automatic
guns and rotary atomizers of different configurations, electrostatic and
non-electrostatic, solvent base to water borne application. We perform process
tests for different materials and difficult products to investigate paint
consumption figures and if the required finishing quality could be obtained.
Solutions based on tests results will be submitted to customers for evaluation.